Somewhere the sun is shining. Not Mudville. Not Cleveland. Not even Codogno yet, but Somewhere is here in northern Italy, there in Cambridge and Andover and Hingham, down in East Greenwich, up in Rye and Passamaquody, over in Millers Falls and Alaska and Davis and Manhattan and Kampala and Oregon and... Red Sox Nation is smiling in the sunlight.
It is 6 o'clock in the morning here and I'm about to go to bed. Again. I slept the first time until 2 AM when Mark and I woke up to watch baseball on the Internet. Game 7 of the ALCS. Red Sox and Indians. These things at least are sure: Papelbon is sick but he don't need no doctor; Pedroia is small and plays yooge; gutsy Coco is into leather; Youk is doing the Monster Mash just in time for Halloween; Big Papi is... Big Papi; the Sawx are wicked good... I could go on, but the final score says so much so simply: 11-2. Good night and good luck.
The New England Patriots are filthy. The Bruins are heating up. Boston College football is #2 in the country. The Red Sox are going to the World Series. I think my fantasy elementary school lunch-time floor hockey team is even still undefeated. This is beautifully absurd. Perhaps I'm dreaming...
It is 6 o'clock in the morning and I'm going to bed. Andiamo.
Yesssssssssssssssssssssssss ....
What. Ever.
Signed, a lifetime Philadephia Phan
Hook an andovah european up with the internet link for watching the friggin' world series, bra'!!!
On and on we roll. Like diamonds in the night.
As phor the Philly phans out there... sorry. Not much phun these days.
DH - Lango bought a package on MLB.com. You can always "watch" the game on ESPN gamecast, but it's a little maddening.
Sawwwwwwwxxxxx. Paaaaaatttsssss.
dare i say, who cares?? ;)
Andover huh? I grew up in North Reading! Small world!
Well, the sun was shining here in Hawaii also. I love the post and the picture!!
Just found your blog and love it.
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