Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Picking up the pen again

Today it is sunny, windy, late winter in Brooklyn and the other boroughs. A few hours ago, the Red Sox beat Oakland in Japan in Major League Baseball's first game of the season. Tulips and crocuses and the leaf buds on trees are about to call out in color. Spring is nearby but apparently lost with poor directions.

For those who have been wondering what happened to the Americano riding around small town Italy on his bici vecchia gialla, I am here, in New York City, alive and as well as one can be when not in Italy. I have been reluctant to write anything of life on this side of the Atlantic, but the twisting streets and muttering retreats of this metropolis offer more than enough material.

As for my return to bel paese... Ci vediamo.


Anonymous said...

e il bel paese (e anche il tuo bastone di hockey) ti aspetta...

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Fango, I discovered your blog through Lango's blog a few months ago and also discovered the mystery of Lango & Fango! I am also a huge Red Sox fan. I am originally from North Reading. Do you know what happened to Lango's blog? The past few days it just opens up to a blank page. Glad you started blogging again. It will be interesting to read about your adventures in New York.

Anonymous said...

NYC, the greatest place in the world!
Italy's a great place to visit & to vacation in, but I'd gladly live iN NYC any day!

Fango said...

Thanks for stopping by, y'all. Sono veramente campioni.